Do not - repeat, DO NOT - max yourself out on the purchase price. You will have insurance issues - over $100 a month, maybe more if you get a bank loan and they require full coverage. Then there is gas and maintenance to consider. So, make a budget to see what you can afford. You may want to think of an older model for now so you can save up a bit towards a nice truck later. The Tundra gets only fair mileage so make a generous gas budget unless you have friends who readily are known to chip in for gas. Good luck.How much would a 2007 Toyota Tundra cost a month?You'd have to take out a loan with a bank, and they would set up monthly payments with you. Usually about $120 a month, depending if you get a 2 year, or a 3 year loan, and how much the car costs.How much would a 2007 Toyota Tundra cost a month?It usually is about 17 dollars per 1,000 dollars borrowed.How much would a 2007 Toyota Tundra cost a month?
I would say easily 400-700 a depending on what you can put down and your interest rate.
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