You mentioned you have no credit. That could be a problem. To qualify for a loan you need some sort of credit history. Do you at least have a debit card from your bank? I would apply for a loan with your bank first. See what type of rate they offer you. Then tell your salesperson you have a loan already, but you will go with their financing if they can beat that rate. Don't tell them what that rate is.
You need to be careful with what you tell the car dealer. Don't tell them your interest rate, your monthly budget, or anything. Just tell them the car you want. Don't get too excited about the car in front of them either.
Don't let them talk to you in monthly payments. They come at you with high payments, only to lower them- yet you are still paying the same amount for the car. They just changed you from paying a loan for 36 months to paying one for 60. Talk about the actual sales price and fees they added.
But do your research first. Find a model you like, get the VIN number and find an invoice online. There are websites that will show them to you. Find out what (if any) rebates there are in your area from the Toyota website. Take invoice price, minus rebates and add $500. Don't pay more than that for the car.
Submit an internet request to multiple dealerships. Get a written copy of the offer and the details of the vehicle. Take it to another dealership. Let them find an identical vehicle (don't let them trade you one without the same options!!) and beat the price.
Don't be in a rush. The whole process could take a few weeks, but you won't overpay.Who is the cheapest toyota car dealarship in orange to long beach and near cities?THE BEST THING TO DO IS ASK AROUND YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD AS WELL AS AT WORK AND SEE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE SAYING.
GOOD LUCK.Who is the cheapest toyota car dealarship in orange to long beach and near cities?It is absolutely illegal to alter a factory invoice! Don't believe the hype that dealers doctor them, it's simply not done. The liability to the dealership for that sort of thing is unbelievable. You should go to Longo Toyota in El Monte they are the largest in the world and have the best shot at getting you financed, if not, come see me at Galpin Ford and we'll make it happen. Be resonable though, if someone can arrange financing for you, it will be on the banks terms, not yours.
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